
So while out for a run today, I was thinking about my blog. I realized that I tend to blog when I am least cognitively present…either late at night right before I go to bed or early in the morning. Neither are prime times to be recalling my adventures of the past few days let alone to be writing and tying about them, which are neither my strong points either. So I was thinking I should put up a little disclaimer for those who read through my blog, which I will get to in a second. The funny thing is that in a conversation this evening (after I had gone running and thought about this) it was brought to my attention that I constantly use the word there in place of their(probably among many other grammatical errors). While not the biggest of deals, this is still embarrassing. I mean I am in graduate school. All that being said, a disclaimer is due.

Disclaimer: When I am writing my blog posts I tend to just sit down and start typing, I don’t game plan I just spew out what comes to my mind. This combined with the late/early hours, details may be left out or stories and sentences may not be comprehensible, not to mention the poor grammar that ensues. If you are ever caught wondering what? or wishing you had more info, let me know. I am always open to criticism and advice, how else will I get better. On the same hand if you have a question or would like to know about something, just ask. I will do my best to answer. I have nothing against someone giving me a topic to blog about. Less thinking for me ha!

I saw an interesting article on CN today. It was titled “For rent in China: White People,” Click on the title for the full article. It was very interesting; they presented the importance of “face” in the Chinese culture, which I would compare to reputation in American culture. They went on to discuss how many Chinese companies will hire white people to pose as employees or friends, sometimes sit at a desk in the front window of a store appearing to workand even pretend to be the CEO of a visiting company. This is because it is believed that if a Chinese company can hire a white person, they are a successful. Neat article, you should definitely check it out.

Well I must go,as I need to pack for Shanghai, but stay tuned their should be some good stuff going up soon. I only get three days in Shanghai and the mainland, so I will be making the most of it! Little sleep and crazy adventures. This is going to be a trip!

In good health,



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